about PGWC

our story

Kandice's inspiring journey as the co-founder and driving force behind Pretty Girls With Cancer (PGWC) is rooted in the heartfelt friendship with Lindsey, a fellow high school teammate and friend. Kandice was in remission from Hodgkin's Lymphoma stage four cancer at the time they met. Kandice relapsed and diagnosed with stage four Leukemia and started treatments immediately.  After leaving the team, Kandice received extensive chemotherapy and a bone marrow transplant from her older sister. Both Lindsey and Kandice finished high school and went to college. Lindsey attended Texas State University in San Marcos and Kandice enrolled into Huston Tillotson University in Austin, TX.

Their paths crossed during their time at Langham Creek High School in Houston, TX. Kandice, in remission from Hodgkin's Lymphoma stage four cancer, and Lindsey became friends and teammates on the sophmore varsity basketball team. Unfortunately, Kandice experienced a relapse during basketball season and was diagnosed with stage four Leukemia. This challenging time strengthened their bond, and despite leaving the team, they both completed high school and pursued higher education.

In 2009, fate brought Lindsey and Kandice back together. Lindsey shared the news of her cervical cancer diagnosis, and Kandice, who had experienced cancer for the third time, sought a journal to document her cancer experience. Their two-hour conversation marked the beginning of a support system and friendship. They stayed connected, providing each other with unwavering support, sharing experiences, and lifting each other's spirits through treatments and challenges.

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